TIME CHANGE!!! 5-6:30 Monday & Tuesday!!! Girls Soccer Tryouts!!!
10 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
All previous year's yearbooks are on sale for $5 each while supplies last!!!
10 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
Week-at-a-glance for 5/13!
10 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
5/13 weekly glance
YEARBOOK UPDATE: Our publisher has a delay in production and they will not be delivered until early July (barring any further issues). We will update when they are delivered so we can schedule pick-up.
10 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
Sign up for Middle School Chorus!!!
10 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
Today is school nurse appreciation day! Thank you Ms. Erika for taking care of our students!!!
11 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
School Lunch HERO Day!!! Thanks to our wonderful lunchroom staff for all their hard work every day to feed our students!
11 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
lunch hero
Girls Basketball Tryouts!!!
11 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
Cheer clinic and tryout information!!!
11 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
cheer clinic info
School Principal Appreciation Day is today! Thank you Mr. Rager and Mr. Divine for all you do!!!
11 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
principal day
Week-at-a-glance for 4/29!!!
11 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
Happy National Administrative Professionals Day to our wonderful school secretaries!!! Thank you for all you do!
11 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
administrative professionals day
Boys Soccer!!!
11 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
Boys Soccer
Week-at-a-glance for 4/22!!!
11 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
weekly glance 4/22
Girls Soccer Try-outs!!!
11 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
Girls Soccer tryouts
Week-at-a-glance for 4/15!!!
11 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
weekly glance 4/15
North Middle blankets for sale! $35 See Ms Lear or any Beta Sponsor to purchase. (Wright, Bingham, or Killough)
11 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
nm blanket
Graduation is May 14th at 6:30 PM!!!! Save the date! It will be held at MCHS gymnasium
11 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
Dance Try-outs for MCHS!!! Must have a valid physical to try-out.
11 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
Dance Try-outs!
Week-at-a-glance for 4/8!
12 months ago, Jedadiah Killough
Week-at-a-glance for 4/8!