Social Media Links
Social Media:
Stay Connected
Muhlenberg County High School has a variety of ways for your to stay informed with what is going on at our school. Most important is the home phone number for our One Call system. This is the main information source for school closings, parent announcements, and safety alerts. Be sure to keep us informed when your number changes.
Remind Texting
Text the code below to 81010 for any of the following Remind lists you want to add:
Text to this number: 81010
@2024mchs (Class of 2024)
@2023mchs (Class of 2023)
@parentsmch (Parents of all MCHS students)
@gaeb6g (HOSA students)
Alternate methods of signing up for Remind.
If you don't have texting, you can go to www.rmd@2023mchs to sign up for Remind for the seniors. Just change the "2023mchs" to the Remind list you want to join. You may also download the mobile app. In either case you can request to get text messages or emails.